Sunday, April 27, 2008

Turkeys :-(

I still haven't gotten a turkey, we get closer every weekend but I haven't sealed the deal yet. Yesterday was really eventful though and I think, lord willing, next weekend may be the one!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I have some big news coming soon! I can't get in to it right now but I've been given a great opportunity that I'm really excited about!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spring Turkey

Did anyone have any luck turkey hunting today? I saw a jake and some hens but never heard the first gobble.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Spring Turkey!!!!

Tomorrow is the day! I'm really excited and I think everything is ready! My only worry is that I had very little time for scouting due to the little guy but I think I still have a shot as I know there are turkey around where we'll be hunting. I wish you all great luck!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Statement of Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President of the NRA:

America Has Lost A Great Patriot


Today, my heart is heavy with the loss of Charlton Heston. America has lost a great patriot. The Second Amendment has lost a faithful friend. So have I, and so have four million NRA members and eighty million gun owners. And so has every American who cares about the Bill of Rights, individual liberty, and Freedom.

My heart is heavy, but not without a sense of pride. Pride in a man who devoted his life to his profession with grace and dignity. Pride in an American who devoted himself to civil rights, to correcting injustices around him, and to standing up for what he knew was right. Pride in a friend who stood with me and stood with fellow NRA members to preserve our freedom for future generations. Pride in a patriot who believed with every fiber of his being that our Bill of Rights is the foundation of our freedom that makes Americans singular among the masses of nations.

And now, Charlton Heston has passed that duty to us - the next generation. I am as proud to continue his cause as I am to have known him as my friend.

But today, my thoughts cannot leave the Heston family. They have always had my utmost respect and admiration and, today, they have my deepest sympathy and most earnest prayers, and they will always have my friendship.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sad news About Charlton Heston

Screen legend and former NRA President Charlton Heston has died at age 84. It’s a big loss for a lot of people and my condolences go out to all of his family, friends, and fans. More information will follow later.